Comments Posted By Gracie Dylan
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Obama's heritage of being a blend of the black experience and the white experience is what makes him such a unique person in these obviously unique and historical campaign times. I must say, however, that you are all showing your white slips from under your pants or skirts because you are acting and responding in a stereotypical, non-thinking, ethnocentristic
caucasion manner. Your prism of life is monotone,WHITE, while Obama's is filled with the richness of black and white and all the shades in between. You are sorry, little people and the reason we still live in a racially biased society.
I am a 60+ white female who grew up inspired by JFK. He asked us to reach out and think about what we could do for our country. You all need to do the same as it's a bigger world than it used to be.

The fact that you are so blinded with goo goo eyed admiration for this manipulative man makes responding to your comment useless. I would note however, you have no problem with your candidate lying through his teeth when it suits him and trying to equate the toxic, hate filled words spewed by his pastor with something your priest or preacher might say that you disagree with.

And I hope you don't get a nosebleed considering the moral heights you have ascended compared to the rest of us insects.


Comment Posted By Gracie Dylan On 18.03.2008 @ 15:26

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